I am on a diet to take some weight off my right hip and knee which have been giving me some pain after walking more than a dozen holes of golf. I am suspicious that the cause of my discomfort is arthritis building up in the joints where I took many hits while playing defensive tackle in high school and college. I reckon the loss of weight will help alleviate the pain. But, I do not know how many pounds I have to lose. I have dropped 19 pounds and the pain is still there; but, now I can walk 12 holes without discomfort, up from 9 when I started at the beginning of April. The diet plan? Weight Watchers. I find Weight Watchers to be easy because I love veggies and fruit. By the way, have you seen this season’s strawberries and blueberries? They are awesome in size and taste. I can’t wait for the peaches!