My leisure reading habits are such that I flip-flop between fiction, non-fiction, fiction, non-fiction, etc., I just finished a non-fiction book titled, “This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly”, which presented more evidence for fearing our government’s proclivity for spending.
My next read (fiction) is a challenging project: “Atlas Shrugged”, by Ayn Rand. This literary masterpiece was first published in 1957; and, I have been toying for a decade about reading this 1,368 page behemoth of a book. Why now? Its story line seems appropriate for today’s controversy between big government and those who celebrate individual drive and the reward for a job well done, rather than the equal division of profit to all regardless of the work put in. AND…… the movie by the same name is debuting 4/15/2011 after 40 years of a tug and pull contest in Hollywood on whether to make this controversial book into an accurate rendition of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. So, I intend to read the book and then see the movie on Saturday 4/16/2011 (I marked my calendar!).