VNFA Named Again to Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisers in USA

Valley National Financial Advisors (VNFA) is pleased to announce it has been named to the 2020 edition of the Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisers. The list recognizes top independent RIA firms from across the U.S. This is VNFAs second year in a row being honored as part of this national list.

This is the seventh annual FT 300 list, produced independently by Ignites Research, a division of Money-Media, Inc., on behalf of the Financial Times. Ignites Research provides business intelligence on investment management.

FA 300: Top RIAs: The List

RIA firms applied for consideration, having met a minimum set of criteria. Applicants were then graded on six factors: assets under management (AUM); AUM growth rate; years in existence; advanced industry credentials of the firm’s advisers; online accessibility; and compliance records. There are no fees or other considerations required of RIAs that apply for the FT 300.

The final FT 300 represents an impressive cohort of elite RIA firms, as the median AUM of this year’s group is $1.9 billion. The FT 300 Top RIAs represent 39 different states and Washington, D.C.

“As our firm celebrates 35 years in business, it is wonderful to have this additional industry recognition,” says Matt Petrozelli, CEO. “2020 has been unprecedented in many ways, but our firm has been able to maintain our client-first focus and we are confident that we will emerge from this pandemic period stronger than ever. The commitment from our team of professionals along with a strong business infrastructure have provided a stability that is hard to come by right now; and, for that, I could not be prouder.”

The FT 300 is one in series of rankings of top advisers by the Financial Times, including the FT 401 (DC retirement plan advisers) and the FT 400 (broker-dealer advisers).

The Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisers is an independent listing produced annually by Ignites Research, a division of Money-Media, Inc., on behalf of the Financial Times (July 2020). The FT 300 is based on data gathered from RIA firms, regulatory disclosures, and the FT’s research. The listing reflected each practice’s performance in six primary areas: assets under management, asset growth, compliance record, years in existence, credentials and online accessibility. Over 750 qualified firms applied for the award, 300 of which were selected (40%). This award does not evaluate the quality of services provided to clients and is not indicative of the practice’s future performance. Neither the RIA firms nor their employees pay a fee to The Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 300.


Meet Northeast Community Center – Team VNFA wants to raise awareness for our community partner.
In order to continue providing programs and services to the community, Northeast Community Center depends on donations, grants, and fundraising events. While monetary donations are most needed, they also greatly appreciate donations in forms of food, office supplies, paper products, etc.

Food Pantry Products
The NECC Food Pantry was one of the few pantries in the area that not only remained opened during the pandemic, but became more accessible to clients by expanding the operating hours and significantly increasing the amount of food available for distribution. NECC was chosen by Second Harvest Food Bank to be a “hub” for food during this unprecedented time.
LEARN MORE: Meet NECC with Team VNFA (recorded event)


Meet Northeast Community Center – Team VNFA wants to raise awareness for our community partner.
In order to continue providing programs and services to the community, Northeast Community Center depends on donations, grants, and fundraising events. While monetary donations are most needed, they also greatly appreciate donations in forms of food, office supplies, paper products, etc.

Cleaning Supplies (Bleach, Disinfectant, Windex, Wipes, etc)
As NECC transitions into their  next phases and begins to welcome volunteers into our building and eventually welcome clients back, they need to  maintain a high standard of cleanliness and sanitation to ensure safety, especially those who are most vulnerable including seniors and individuals with pre-existing conditions.

LEARN MORE: Meet NECC with Team VNFA (recorded event)


Meet Northeast Community Center – Team VNFA wants to raise awareness for our community partner.
In order to continue providing programs and services to the community, Northeast Community Center depends on donations, grants, and fundraising events. While monetary donations are most needed, they also greatly appreciate donations in forms of food, office supplies, paper products, etc.

Hygiene Products
For low-income families, hygiene products are often very difficult to obtain. They cannot be purchased with SNAP Benefits/food stamps and we find that when a family has limited money to spend and must make choices, this is one of the items that they choose to go without. Particularly, youth of the community are strongly impacted

RSVP NOW for our virtual community gathering to learn more.


You’re invited to a virtual community gathering – July 16, 2:00 p.m.

The team at Valley National Financial Advisors wants you to help our community learn more about Northeast Community Center in Bethlehem.

Please join us for a community meeting to discuss the needs of our neighbors and the programming and services NECC is providing to improve lives.

This is a free virtual event – your attendance and attention is all we require to make a difference. Please share this invitation with other community advocates.

RSVP NOW – Get the GoToMeeting access link.


Green Phase Updates
Our team is pleased that our neighbors who have not been afforded the opportunity to successfully work remotely are able to safely resume work. We have been fortunate that our infrastructure allows for us to provide our services and attention to clients from a safe distance during this time.

Since we closed our physical office spaces in March, our team has been devoted to three goals. 1) Maintaining the safety and health of our team and our clients. 2) Maintaining our client-first focus during remote service. 3) Emerging from this crisis stronger than before. With those goals in mind, we will continue to proceed carefully.

While many businesses are opening their doors now, our team has decided to continue to work remotely. Our physical office locations remain closed except for contactless pickup and drop off appointments at our Bethlehem headquarters. This decision is based on a majority vote from our team, and green phase guidance that “continued telework is strongly encouraged.”

We appreciate your continued support and patience as we work through our plans for eventually opening the office to client visits. In the meantime, we want to hear from you if you have any questions or feedback.

We wish you a happy and safe Fourth of July* weekend!
Your Team at VNFA

*PLEASE NOTE: We will be observing the Independence Day holiday on Friday, July 3. Contactless drop off and pick up of documents to our Bethlehem office will not be available Thursday or Friday this week. Additionally, we will not have someone answering the phone on these two days, so please leave a message in the appropriate mailbox and someone will return your call as soon as possible.


Help us help Northeast Community Center!

As part of our Volunteer Challenge project, we are launching an awareness campaign for our non-profit partner – Northeast Community Center. NECC serves the Marvine-Pembroke community of Bethlehem, and since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been a food pantry hub for even more surrounding areas of people in need.

In our remote socially distanced environment, #TeamVNFA has found that one of the safest and easiest ways to make a difference has been to purchase items from NECC’s Amazon wish list. Click the link here to make a purchase, and visit the NECC website to find out about other ways to help our neighbors in need.


JUNE 30 – Wealth Management Trends Webinar (11 AM)

Presented by Matt Petrozelli, VNFA President & CEO and Gabe Muller, Senior Consultant at Springboard Advisory Group

 – Strategies to navigate the “superstore” of options trending in wealth management. 
 – Understanding the different types of financial professionals and their business models. 
 – The modern client experience and client-advisor relationship – what to expect now and next. 
 – Digital and distanced… how to seek financial advice during the COVID-19 global pandemic. 


Limited Contactless Document Exchange Available at VNFA Bethlehem Office
While our physical offices will remain closed and our team will continue to provide services remotely, we now have someone at the front desk of our Bethlehem headquarters full time to answer the main phone line and arrange for in-person drop off and pick up of tax-related documents. These by-appointment visits will be available during our regular office hours for the duration of tax season – through July 15. Access will be limited to the front entry and guests will be required to follow VNFA’s social distancing and safety guidelines, including wearing a mask while inside.

As a result of having someone on site during normal hours, we are also able to resume delivery of UPS and FedEx packages.

Our New Jersey office will not have this same service available, but a secure drop box for documents is on site. Please call (908) 454-1000 for more information.


We Are Hiring!
Our VNFA team is seeking an experienced individual to take over as our Head of Investments. This position is responsible for coordinating and managing the activities of the investment team, which oversees the development and implementation of the investment strategies employed in the management of client portfolios.