Did You Know…?

Cybersecurity is something Team VNFA takes very seriously. We participate in regular trainings to stay on top of the latest and to keep ourselves alert. Here are a few quick tips to protect your digital privacy at tax season and year-round:

  1. Implement multi-factor authentication on your accounts and make it 99% less likely you’ll get hacked.
  2. Update your software. In fact, turn on automatic updates.
  3. Think before you click. More than 90% of successful cyber-attacks start with a phishing e-mail.
  4. Use strong passwords, and ideally a password manager to general and store unique passwords.

The IRS provides regular updates to its resource page to help protect taxpayers: irs.gov/taxessecuritytogether

VIDEO: Help the IRS protect your identity

VIDEO: Find out how you can protect your phone and computer.

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